Saturday, December 27, 2008
12:28 AM
Christmas day 25/12
Mdm Lim, Deputy director, called me in the morning la. Asking us to take a group photo and send it to her. lol. So called "shi peng" and decided to meet at town. So met up with jj,travis and kevin at far east plaza then took a few pictures. Damn shock "shi peng" got something for me. Haha. So we went to wistra atrium to eat dinner and i order grill chicken set. And the three don't know got baka anot all wear formal de. But then i wear casual with a HK fashion outerwear. After that we went to cathay to watch "bedtime stories" and it was kinda funny. And my good thick skin friend keep suan me la. WTH! After movie we went to take lots of pics at PS.

Christmas eve 24/12
Went last min shopping the whole afternoon and lucky got the limted edition "gift" for my good friend and other friends. Then at night went to east coast with some friends to count down!!!
23/12 Monday
Went town with my friends and saw Travis la. I was like damn shock. Eat sushi for dinner and icecream.
Monday, December 22, 2008
6:36 PM
Saturday 20/12
Went to city plaze for shopping for my fashion christmas and then to bugis street. Bugis street was damn lot's of ppl la and i manage to get something. Well u will see on that day. And that selfish idiot refused to share as if he damn fashion like that. Haha --_____--
Sunday 21/12
Went and meet cheapo and the rest at 8pm at vivo city for dinner. And we went to Chicken shop for chicken rice and the dinner is damn fitting and i am damn full la. After that we went for a little shopping but was late le so all the shops had closed. Nothing to do, we went to mount faber at first for a little slack and decided to go to keppel bay. Was surprise there is a parking for yault and the beautiful place there. After that we went to jalan kuyu for a drink. And where we talk about one person who is sooo funny and cheapo is soo interested in that person. lol

Sunday, December 21, 2008
12:45 AM
Friday 20/12
Went to bedok for a little hair cut. So i had a hair cut and highlight. First time experience this little highlight where they had a mask cover your head and using a small cutter to pull out a little of hair lol. Just after my hair cut, cong called decided to meet for dinner.
Then meet him at hongang and we walk to this little coffee shop and had indian rojak and roti pata then we walk to kovan mall and he wanted to buy a game and damn so coincidence this friend of mine is selling and he is interested in this person la. lol.
After that went to purchase big gulp and went outside the community center and there is a little live band there. Nothing to do, we called siti (cheapo) and talk to her. She was damn funny walking in vivo city alone.
After a little chat, we decided to call it a day!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
2:02 PM
Thursday 18/12
Ho ho ho christmas is coming!! How are u going to celebrate this season?? For me is of course my fashion christmas.
Well today is the best and most pleasure day i ever had in the whole of my life time. Met this Japanese friend of mine and we had an interesting day.
We went to a rich town where it is not accessible from public transport or walking and it is near town and over there is all damn rich ppl and we had ben and jerry ice cream. First time i my life i ate this ice cream. After that seriously we got nothing to do, we went all the way to downtown east for dinnner at this HK cafe and food there is pretty nice and not so expensive had a little walk before we go to east coast park. Damn la there is no car park lot available at all the then slowly we went to fort road. Wow the place at the river side, and it took us some time to locate the place. The place is windy and i love the dogs there. Follow, was about to reach my place then it like still early so he just drive into TPY and then slowly is suggested to go to macritchie reservoir then have a little chat then we suddenly think of Sentosa. Then decided to make a trip down. It's was damn empty and ppl are camping at the bench and indeed need to pay $2 per person for entry. SO after a long day, finally, we call it a day. lol
SO if got chance will bring my friends to this little rich town!!! Anyone wanna go there????

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
6:55 PM
ok Firstly i would like to "code" this phase from this "Anonymous" perfect person.
He says "meeting time doesn't mean reaching time"
How far do u agree??
Well I agree to a certain extend!!!! Meeting time doesn't mean reaching time?? Then wat is meeting time for? Meeting time not equal to meet? Then reach is to meet???
Can someone enlighten me with this sentence?
Alright today is my medical checkup at depot RD and woo i saw many familiar ppl from poly and from secondary school. And the checkup is kinda ........... No comment!! Have been refer to specialist so still don't know about my psc.
After the whole thing, went for lunch and after that went bpp for a drink and walk then home sweet home. Was damn tired.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
10:58 PM
This week is my common test week and i got like one paper each day untill friday. Nothing much to do except for study. Some pics taken last week in my EID practical.
ECPM and PDP paper is ok except that i hate pdp theory questions which cost like 20 marks. Damn it. And of course coming tml is CA and fri EID. Really hope it can end fast.
Monday, December 8, 2008
12:26 AM
Today is my good friend birthday "shi peng" Happy birthday to u!!!
And i wan to go to NTU!!!!!!!
Cheapo today is damn cheapo la. Food drop on the table still wan pick up and eat ai yo see how cheapo the person is lol!!!! Exam coming leh don't anyhow eat or u wan left over food?? lol jkjk only.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
10:08 AM
Well had not been blogging this days cos of the preparation of common test next week with 1 paper each day for 4 days!!!
Have been busy with many things
A little fun also
First I had sign up with facebook just for MOBWAR kinda addicted to tis simple game!
Secondly I had been learning to play my little guitar.
Some photos I got recently from the solar house.
Monday, December 1, 2008
10:56 PM
Many things had happen this week and am kinda busy.
After my IS lesson, went to the solar house. Then went to project room. After that gx accompany me to buy a "guitar". Thanks ar!!! lol.

Went to expo with some friends after little hours of sleep. The sitex fair is kinda lots of ppl + the john little sale the people was like ........ After some consideration, my friend decided to purchase a ipod touch. Then we took a taxi to OJK house to play majong. And u think i win or lose?? hehe.
Went for this stupid little talk at Eunos and say wat cal water very good de. Like real!! And they bull shit a lot la. WTH think i stupid. Then went to expo for a little walk and meet dw then we went to john little. After a big walk and decided to buy some clothes--- then to our SHOCK, the quene is damn long. SO no choice don't buy lor lol! Then we headed down to changi airport terminal 3 to have our dinner. Reach home at 3am!!!! Can ask me if u wanna know.

My practical lesson is at blk 80 - The high voltage training centre!