Thursday, January 22, 2009

11:40 AM

Anyone still wanna go tioman island?? Seat is limited!!!

Today is very funny!! Came back home after my EID class then my mother and grandma was talking about the offer drink downstair the shop & save and my mother open the newspaper to tell my grandma. To my surprise, she refused to believe cos just now she went to buy and cannot get it only can get orange F&N but we wanted cherry and saris. So my mother ask me to go down.

When we go down, we saw the sign that say "cherry,orange and saris" offer then the uncle say

The conversation is in hokkian:
uncle: Only orange got offer.
Mother: u see the sign "cherry, orange and saris" got offer
uncle: U don't need so loud
Mother: Just telling u only
uncle: okok take take

PS: I join in cos i can't it le

me: Uncle see the sign please!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

10:44 PM

Well today is a hard day for me and my friend cos they need to help me think wat to wear on that day 13 March EE Dinner & Dance. SO we went to bugis straight back school and shop. Firstly i went to a HK shop in a hope to get wat i want but too bad my vast is sold out and the aunty make fun of me!!! lol!

Yesterday my new cupboard came and i got a hard time. Really a hard day la!!!!!!!!

JJ please do your job! Clean up the rubbish!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

10:57 PM

Was busy this week cos i got 2 assignment to complete. And my good friend "JJ" lost his laptop. How come u so careless de. And i have been packing my things for cny and it was just one week more. Think this year not a good year cos of the recession. Still thinking whether wan go tioman island anot. Was also EE D & D 2009 made me so busy with all the admin stuff. But well i still look forward to it. And i can't understand y ppl can be kapo and thick skin untill the extreme!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

10:57 PM

Today is my friend "kevin" Birthday and did a little planning yesterday. So today was a little surprise for him. So at lunch time we had a cake and waiting for him at the Atrium NP. Then had a little celebration. After that, we went back to class. On the way, suddenly this good "thick skin" friend of mine played catching with me. WTH la!! And he knows i cannot run AND make a fool out of me. Damn him la but it's also kinda of Fun haha!

So in the evening after class, we went to this club to play bowling and we had 3 rounds of game and of course at first i always row the ball to the drain and Harold was saying "waste of money" but after some games, we started to play quite well and even cheapo got strike. It was long time since i played bowling.

PS: Something interesting happen just as we left school!!!

Guess which is my score????

Open house!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

9:00 PM


Today is one of the greatest time i ever had!! It was the prize giving ceremony of techno fair 2009 and i got a bronze award. Well the event start at 9.00 so need to reach school at 8.45 and so poor thing one of my partner is not feeling well so he can't come. So after the ceremony, we had a little refreshments and took some pics. Later, i went to techno fair to support my friends. And one thing very halirious is did was i keep on saying that the project is from "EE" and one of the most funniest part was i actually took out my friends "gold" award to promote the project. Haha!! So in there i saw my good friend walking pass and i followed him to the solar house. And today is the last day of open house NP 2009!


Went to class a bit late and my lecturer was soo sarcastic and say "good morning" to me! Got back my EID result and it was quite disappointed cos I had soo many careless mistakes. Haiz! After that went for lunch at canteen 4 and there is like so deserted no ppl de! Cos of the new open air con canteen in NP that y! Follow, we went to solar house to accompany my friends there. And after my lesson end at 2, Me and kl went to techno fair to support our 2 good friends. And hari "Not everyone's toilet is as big as yours"!!! Haha. Followed, we need to go our duty at the convention center to guide ppl and promote EE course.

PS: Don't know why they send me this pics instead of mine pics!!lol

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

8:39 PM


Today was the second day of school reopen and i am just not use to it after 3 weeks of holidays and fun. And i just got my PDP result and it was the worst i ever had received in my 3 years in Ngee ann. Well just a little disappointed and my both good friend got 85 and 89!! Wow. And we just name them 80 pointers lol!! At lunch time, me and kl went to this new aircon canteen "makan place" to have our lunch. At 11++ it was like damn crowed le and we like soo thick skin cos we saw one of our friend and we ask whether got ppl anot. Then when he say "NO", we quickly go sit down. Kl recommend me the pot. It a mini steamboat and it was kinda cheap also. And Got this very good new that our project got an award.

Last but not least, our last sem dp pics

Saturday, January 3, 2009

7:49 PM

Friday 2/1/09 (nearly type 08 lol)

Today went bugis for window shopping with one friend. Then need rush home for some rest before i go get transport and down to this live band pub. Cong, wei jie, kevin, harold and jon was there already and the boss don't allow me to park in front of the pub la. The live band pub is all "roomful of the blues" anyone go before?? It a live band blues song where the singer and guitar player would play and sing. In the break in between, we just play cards and cong and wei jie gotta go off in between.

After that, we went to west coast area for some food and i can't eat anything cos all the food is oily and fried de and i got sore thoat and no voice. Follow, we decided to go to kent ridge park and we pass by NUS hostal. It was damn nice la. Can't really find the park, we then decided to go to west coast park instead. Over there, so coindcience saw my classmate with her bf. So over there we just slack and chat about all the funny things in our poly life which is ENDING soon.

Oh ya! Thanks cheapo for the wonderful gift. I like it very much!!!!

Thursday 1/1/09

Happy new year to all!!!

Today just went to east coast park with kevin, JJ and travis to roller blade. Lucky got travis to guide me but too bad i still can't master leh. lol!! My good friend just don't care me at first. But later don't know y help a bit haha!! I fell many times la. lucky got wear the guards. Was damn tired after just 2 hrs of roller blade. So, we went to a japanese store for some food then went to parkway parade to eat dessert and later shop a bit. Everyone was damn tired after that. So we just head home.

Some pics on christmas day

.:: profile ::.


Name: Kennedy
D.O.B: 1/10/1988



+ + Mu Jie
+ + Angeline
+ + Arthur
+ + Jian Jin aka Dustbin (thick skin)
+ + WEI wei
+ + Xuan Ming


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