Friday, August 28, 2009

9:20 AM

25 August Tue

Had a dinner appointment with Han jie and kl and suppose to leave at 6 but expected, we leave at 6.20 and so unlucky was caught at a traffic jam and we just met at westmall for korean food. Just have a chance to drive KL's car Nissan sunny and the engine is better than hyundai one. Thanks for sending me back.

26 August Wed
Today was extremely happy cos my students got 97 and 92 for their maths examination. Finally all had been paid off. However, I blow up twice when other students are having their exam where they there are making a lot of noise.

27 August Thurs

Today was my rest day at last. Had plan to go west coast park to fly kite but it was raining heavily before i went out and we just abandon the plan and postpone it to next week. KL came to Hari's place to fetch us and we went to IMM for lunch. Had lunch b4 that but still accompany them to swensen and i ordered a pizza. After that, walk around and head down to west coast park. It was really a damn good weather already and we regreted not to bring our kites la. So we sat down at the beach side and chat about "BUSINESS" again. And something makes us laugh when i suddenly think that after we went to office to sign 2 papers then we come down to this park to chat. Nonsense rite!!

Later in the evening, We went to play pool at bukit timah plaze and headed to eat KFC before heading home.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

12:28 PM

Mon 24 August

Today is the second last of my guitar session and next week is my test. Will be tested on 2 songs on is "Qing fei de yi" and another one is Jay chou "Qing Tian". The 2 QING......... Ya and on tat day i learn to feel the music. And i realised that there are many things i need to improve on
1) My singing
2) The guitar feel
And both must do it together to be perfect which i still kinda cannot reach yet.

Talk about business with XM and i can say he is really a good mediator. And he knows wat he wants most importantly he is far sighted.

Monday, August 24, 2009

10:07 AM

22 August Sat

Met up with KL first to get a present for Han jie as his birthday is on mon as as my good friend Hin cong. Happy Birthday to you guys!! Well shop about the whole orchard and was thinking it's really so good to be rich lol!!! Ya intially wanted to watch movies but change the plan a bit and we just had dinner instead.

Friday, August 21, 2009

7:18 AM

Have been very busy recently cos of work. And ya not forgetting some leisure, Went to Sakae sushi again with kl,han jie and Hari and this time we are like eat untill too full to even walk la. And this gal was looking at the big television and thinking that she can dance as good as wonder girls - no body.

And there was once i'm so late for a dinner and suppose we meet at 8 but it turn out to be 9 cos of the meeting and ya so good to have a car rite. Thanks ar kl.

Just yesterday i got a extremely nice chat with kl on msn and really make us realised not to run away from this reality issue and i really feel better.

Exams are around the corner for my kids in the centre and really this time i got confidence that they can do quite well and i'm also organising a small party next friday for them. Hope all the best to u all. And there was once which is so funny. One primary 4 boy cry just because another boy claim to return a pencil to him where he say he did not receive. U know that scene make me wanted to laugh out loud but i control cos it really really extremely funny.

Well let's come to my guitar session. A really thanks to gx and xm for the patience for teaching me guitar and next 2 weeks later is actually my test b4 gx gg into 2 years of service. And the master will be coming out soon haha.

For me i'm resigning soon as i'm gg into NS as well it in sept and i really don't feel like leaving but still needs to face and accept it. I has been quite busy recently as there are many things to follow up like my medical checkup and all these.

Leisure time for me is just not enjoy as i have not watch movies for quite sometime already which i plan to watch one this weekends.

Went to this Indian temple last week to pray and i was scare intinally to go in at first but later still went in but there is a bit crowded as i think there are some special occasion going on and had indian food at Little India later in the part.

Finally some of my friends birthday are coming soon!!! I looked forward to celebrate this special occasion with u.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

8:56 AM

9 August Sun
Meet up with Hari, Han jie and Keng Liang for lunch at orchard later that we went to catch a movie on JI JOE. It was kinda nice movie and lots of amination.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

12:33 AM

Saturday 8/8

National day is coming!! My boss called me early in the morning to help her get a camera. She also told me courts is having sales. So at 11am, i went down to Toa Payoh courts to get a camera. Initially, I got her a 8 M.P Olympus ($108) and before i can receive the camera, I need to make the payment first. After making the payment, I went to collect it and to my surprise, they gave me a casio 10 M.P including casing and 8 GB memory card. I was like wth like tat also can give wrongly and i just walked off lor.
In the afternoon, went to this nike factory sale at west coast plaze and before we could get in, we need to wait for 15 mins as there are so many people inside. And when i got in, as usual shopping crazy, i went to choose my running shoes as well as other 2 pairs for my mum and bro. So after tat imagine we queue up for 2 hours just to make payment.

Wow this is my first time queuing for so long!

Rush back home to put my things and went to Brandon's bbq at AMK and when i reach there, it was already like 7.30 and well most of them had reach.

Tueday 4/8

After work, went to have dinner with Hari, Han jie and Keng liang. Had something before so i share nasi bryani with hari and later, here comes siti. It was 9++, we accompany hari back to her place and along the way, we are talking about hari's sandel and i kept laughing non stop la. Well the whole day was a tiring one.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

10:24 PM

Mon 3 August

As usual every monday is my guitar practise and meet up with GX and Xuan ming and we had KFC b4 we commence. I was impressed about the singing of Xuan ming which i believe he can be a great singer and musician.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

9:57 AM

2 August Sunday
It was a last min decision for a trip to the Singapore science centre with my relatives. Reach the science centre about 1.30 and there inside the centre so I was a bit of impassive with the environment cos have been there is less than 2 months ago. Well still manage to take note of some exhibitions and projects. And one project really make us open my eyes and that is the testia coil that produce millions of electricity volt and it makes me think of the game red alert in the past and it was indeed amazing. After that i fetch my good friend to camp.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

7:12 PM

31 July Friday

It was an exciting day as Hanjie, Hari and I visited the mint(Museum of toys). And part of the reason is that my boss gave me the discount tickets for the trip. Well the toy museum is just a just toys all limited editions toys from the 60s. What i like are the many cartoon characters like TIN TIN, Popeye, 3 little pigs, star wars............... of course there don't have charcters like pokemon and my favorite lemo haha. So after the tour, we went to have dinner cum lunch at sakae sushi (buffet) and still the same i debated with hari and many happy moments. Well time flies and hari need to go home and me and Han jie went to meet siti at vivo city and then we went to holland village for an ice cream and chat before we headed home. And so coincedence i saw rong cheng in the bus on the way back home.

.:: profile ::.


Name: Kennedy
D.O.B: 1/10/1988



+ + Mu Jie
+ + Angeline
+ + Arthur
+ + Jian Jin aka Dustbin (thick skin)
+ + WEI wei
+ + Xuan Ming


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