Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is money the root of all evil? 11:19 PM

Is money the root of all evil? I believe this has been debated at all times since we were young. I wish I can say that to a certain extend however in reality, we all must agreed that it is indeed the root of all evil. Why do I say so?

Having live for more than 23 years in this earth, I have seem many valuable and insightful scenes. When money is concerned, it will automatically shown a person's true colour. I can recall an true incident that when someone is in trouble because he/she is in debt, the relatives only mind their own business. I was surprised but to accept the harsh realities of the hard truth.

Another incident where my friend borrow some amount of money and until today, he did not bother to return despite the repeated callings. What does this shows? Money can really harm the friendships and kinships. As far as I am concerned, I try to salvage this issue or sometimes avoid the chapter.

One incident took place when I was in my secondary school. It was coming to a year end and these group of friends decided to come out with a celebration in a chalet. One suggested for one to book a place first and then split the cost equally among ourselves. But no one came forward to do the paying job and it came to me, I pushed it off. Why do I do so? Because I believe that if everyone is interested, then everyone should have come together to foot the bill. Am I right to say? So when I asked this question, what a reply I got is that not everyone have the capital to do so. Haiz, so if that is the case then why don't we wait for the amount the come in and get the action done? Well money is an sensitive issue you see but I must say that it still depends on individual. You may not agreed with what I am saying now is because you have not experience it before. In the end, the person who came up with the amount suffered losses because not everyone had paid the amount.Disappointed with all these stories? Of course I am! We just have to move on in life.

In my tertiary education days, I have also seems some person like that. This will easily differentiate between the character of the person. In addition, it seems very interesting because without my knowing, most of my other friends also realised it. So always remember. If you take care of your character and moral values, everything else is being taken care of!

However, this does not happen to me and my family members and I just hope it will not ever happen.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What does this mean to u? 8:23 PM

A clever person watches others, but he watches with wisdom, not with ignorance. if one watches with wisdom, one can learn much. But if one watches with ignorance, one can only find faults- No Ajahn Chah - Reflection 135

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Personal 9:12 PM

This is rather personal and I've decided to write it down in words because I believe in conveying it to anyone on this anonymous sentient being of mine. It is also rather abstract to explain the every detail and idealism behind it.

Those are the days which had the most impact of my life had gone thus far,
I believe it will never happen again but the feeling is still immense.
I know that it is just a matter of time,
And I really doubt your sincerity.
A man/leader must be able to put it up at the same time, able to put it down,
For that, I must try to conquer!
For everything that still remains currently,
I just hope that it will remains forever.

Friends 12:06 AM

I got an uneasy feeling when meeting up with my best poly mates. Probably because it seems and deemed that it's takes some frequency since the last meetup. As I told them, I was rather elated with this session on the other hand, after session which seemed like short bus ride, I felt uncomfortable because good times is going to end - just like coming back from a great holiday.

I was rather guilty of being oblivious of the past happenings. However, it is really a good time to catch up. Well students are just students! We started to chat about studies which I dread to talk about because it just remind me about the stress and the many catch up to do.

I shared that for friends to meet up whether regularly or occasionally, there are 2 conditions. I used the word condition because it is that that bonds people together.
1) Friends willing to meet up are people who have been through the good and bad, thick and thin times together.
2) Second is where people have a specific date(s) in a year (times) where they had agreed to have a session and hopefully, it became a routine.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Women fashion week 2011 1:00 AM

I can still recall the times when my friends Bryan and Andrew shared with me about fashion. Quite some time ago, we went to paragon for window shopping. Still on doubt what exactly fashion is, they shared with me the bare minimum of it. Fashion show is held 4 times a year - New Yock, London, Paris and Milan. Through the 4 seasons - Spring, summer, autum and winter.

I am also very proud that "For the first time, womenswear haute couture will also be shown in Singapore, during its haute couture Women's Fashion Week in October 2011. This will be the first time womenswear haute couture shows are held outside of Paris."

I went to this fashion week on 13 October at Marina Bay Sand. Have a wonderful fabulous dinner as well.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The purpose of it 10:14 PM

Today I've attended a Dharma class on stress in university, "a way forward". I've decided to attend this class but because I am really stress but I felt that Dharma is something spiritual that directly and indirectly affect the way we think and feel.

Allow me to describle the speaker who is a vunerable, age about 30++, who has lot's of humour and definately a wise person. He keeps you thinking by asking you question when you asked a question. Wait a minute! He started asking question and how can he address you and started to ask for my name as well. As expected, after replying my name, he asked whether am I local. Do I do as if I am not local? Well I guess that it is the way I present myself.

I've learnt 3 things to contain stress.
1) Know yourself, know your calibra
2) Are u able to reach a certain level
3) How can you do so.

Initially, I am very concern about studies as I've received my quiz result and it didn't turn out to be good and demoralising. But after his speech, I felt relieved. It is sometimes unusual to feel relieved or calm when you didn't do well in the things you are expected to do well. However, he said, when you are worried about the result or the outcome, it shows that you did not put in the best effort. Very true isn't it? Whatever the outcome is, the utter most important is that the best effort must be put it and there is no need to feel worried because it will not solve the problem.

Another value lesson I've learnt is how to let go things? Very simple. It is because you are too free. Why are you so concern about the things that there is no hope and not focus on the present state? You just have to do it, forget about the incident and move on (forward). It really set me thinking about the past where we regret the things we know we have to do and not doing it until the last end. Always remember that if the things is not done because of procastination, it will general lead to a bigger problem.

I would like to end this by saying we need to know the purpose of life. What exactly are our priorities? For that I hope will set you thinking if not we are like in a maze wasting time finding the way out for the purpose.

May all merits be shared and attained by sentient beings!

Friday, October 7, 2011

In Praise of your Commissioned Officer 12:44 PM

This is actually written by my BMT mate Bryan Chow currently a first year student in the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. I met Bryan on the first day of Basic Military training and was impressed by his level of literacy and speech. In your free time, we usually engaged ourselves on debating on current issues and setiments being rights. That was the time it actually inspired me to read up and get into the real reality world. The below is an essay written by him on the last day of my service before disruption in CTAB.

30 July 2011

To your Second Lieutenant Kennedy Boh


I write this often enough.

Perhaps not as often as I would like to, but still, considering that my essay writing skills have been perhaps honed consistently by my writing, I belong to an age where I believe that writing is of the singular and highest of methods in the conveyance of messages and information.

Thus, please pardon me as I begin writing this letter, which is very much in praise of your commissioned officer. It is my sincere hope that you will read this and perhaps it will allow you to humanise Kennedy and to allow you to understand your officer at CTAB Security which has just recently completed a term of service with the Singapore Armed Forces at the conclusion of this month.

Blaise Pascal is famous for many things. Of which the French polymath has been credited with included the scientific method and the tabular presentation for binomial coefficients. But far from his contribution to science and technology, Pascal once remarked, “Can anything be stupider than that a man has the right to kill me because he lives on the other side of a river and his ruler has a quarrel with mine, though I have not quarrelled with him?”

You see, patriotism is a very scary word. Of which philosophers over the centuries and intelligentsia across the world have easily manipulated it to sometimes be something which it is not. Sacrifice though, is often considered the pinnacle of patriotism. In a postmodern world today, it seems almost hilarious that many would forget about this. It seems ludicrous to many that conscription and service in the military is still being impressed upon.

I first met your Second Lieutenant Kennedy on my first day in Basic Military Training at Kestrel Company. This fateful day was memorable on so many different fronts. Yet one of which on that hot and dry morning in December 2009 was perhaps the fact that I met Kennedy in my section bunk. This was the start of seventeen weeks of training with him. Sounding confident and assuring on the very first day, he quickly allayed my fears and immediately told my section what we were to expect in the coming days and months ahead.

You see, the fact that Kennedy was arguably more knowledgeable than any of his fellow section mates was because he was serving his National Service prior to this already. He was doing administrative work at the Central Manpower Base before changing his Physical Employment Status (PES) so that he could attend the Enhanced Basic Military Training in hopes of admission to the Officer Cadet School. His ultimate aim therefore, was to earn his commission and attain his rank. The tenacity and gumption which Kennedy has shown even prior to the start of training was particularly striking for me. And this is something which I believe you observe clearly enough in your day to day dealings with him.
Throughout the entire phase of training, Kennedy displayed wherewithal, perseverance and tireless dedication to his work and attitude. I shall not mention the complete details of him being my section mate, but I wish to highlight three characteristics which I see in Kennedy. I choose to highlight them because they are unique and you probably will not be able to find them elsewhere in many other people.

1. Willingness to learn

I must say that the start of my National Service was also the end of my time in junior college where I have completed my GCE A Levels no less than ten days prior to my enlistment date. The student mentality is perhaps something which was still very much present within me as I fell in and had a water parade for the first time. Amongst other things, I was still of the opinion that academic success and academic pedigree was of paramount importance above all else.

During sessions after sessions, debates and discussions on current affairs, news, economic development, political changes as well as social issues both within and outside of Singapore have been the hallmark of our free time. Whatever spare time we have in the bunk, it is often used to discuss the latest United States central bank policy or the state of Singapore social developments. Despite his initial lack of hard knowledge and understanding in many things, Kennedy never tried to distance himself from the conversations.

He took time to listen, take down notes and judiciously added points of his own during the discussions to better his understanding of Singapore and global affairs. He never failed to impress me with his ever willingness to learn and to be updated on the schools of philosophical thought and latest theories. This is important within that of a leader, and the SAF needs people like him because the commitment which he has shown to lifelong learning is more essential to the workings than just simple facts and figures.

What was supposed to be an attempt to safeguard our brains from mental stagnation has turned, for Kennedy, into a learning opportunity.

2. Listening ear

To listen well, is as powerful a means of influence as to talk well, and is as essential to all true conversation. Not many orators or speakers around the world are good listeners. In my opinion, the skill of being able to listen is far more important than the ability to complete a task or to convey a message. Kennedy has shown me his ability to listen to opinions, listen to facts and listen to the points of view of others.

This is a result of his respect for every single individual. For without respect, one would not be bothered to actually listen to what he or she wishes to say. From hearing the section’s and my grouses about the tiring training regime to the complaints over the many minor things in life which irk us to no end, Kennedy has shown that he is able to listen. As to whether or not he is able to solve a problem we have is immaterial to the argument. But I believe that we are all for the better having known that there is someone, somewhere who will listen to us as long as we seek him out.

I have no doubt that this side of Kennedy has been pronounced enough for it to be evident for you too. For having worked under him for such a long time, I am sure as his colleagues, all of you will have seen the fact that Kennedy spares no effort in trying to lighten your burden and to make the entire environment a more pleasant place to work in. I have no qualms about him being able to seek for views and canvass for opinions from his subordinates.

3. Change and Irony

I remember vividly that I once mentioned to Kennedy that the single biggest compliment I can receive at the conclusion of my National Service term would be for someone to tell me that I have not changed one bit since the very first day of my enlistment. He replied, rather coolly during our second book-out that it would be impossible not to have been changed by the whole process.

In my self-righteous attitude, I stood by what I said until the dying weeks of my Basic Military Training. Events unfolded during the last few weeks of my training which has caused me to rethink my proposition. At the conclusion of it during my Graduation Parade, I have to concur that Kennedy is right and that I have indeed been changed by the very system which I sought to be resistant to.

Irony, perhaps? Not as much as Kennedy’s ability to be able to see things which have still not come to pass. He has reminded me that sometimes change has to happen and that instead of fighting it, we need to embrace it for what it is and what it holds. We need to look upon it for what it can do and not what it destroys. And that is as important a lesson for me, as it must definitely be for you. It is often easy to forget while we are in the middle of the jungle to ask why we are doing this. It is simple enough to cast aside our desire for success when we are faced with momentary pain and momentary discomfort.

I do not see such flaws in Kennedy’s character. I do not find such poor attitudes residing within Kennedy. He is an epitome of what it means to be worthy of carrying the commission and the appointment for him to command and control.

Thus, I write this letter so that you can understand the circumstances which have made Kennedy who he is today. I am very proud that he managed to achieve all that he has set out to attain in National Service since I met him on the first day. As he begins his studies at the Nanyang Technological University, I wish him every success and my very best wishes.

As his first group of section mates, I daresay that Kennedy enjoyed himself very much throughout his period of working alongside us. In fact, he probably is very proud of the fact that he has had the worthwhile opportunity to meet us all.

And therefore, perhaps the salutation at the start of this letter is inaccurate. He is your Second Lieutenant as much as I am proud to call him mine.

Bryan Chow

Education 10:51 AM

The topic on increasing the number of unversity places in Singapore have been a hot spot after an announcement by Singapore Prime minister that unversity places will be increased by 2000 places and all will be given to Singaporeans. In today's strait times article by education minister, Mr Heng on unversity's places, it talk about an alternative way of route where students can't have a place in the local university for example private places like the Singapore Institute of Management Unversity ranking and research also topped the strait times. For example, in today's news as well, NUS fell in ranking, where NTU moves up 5 places by Higher times magazine. Last month, the release of the QS result, ranks NTU 58 place in the world university, which had an improvement of 16 places compare to the previous year. The honour also goes to NUS which had improve as well. Dean of college enginnering of NTU is also featured in the life section in the strait times on why she decided to come to NTU. Yesterday news on NTU going to be the furst to invent to smart robort that is first in the world, shows that NTU had move to a research base university.

So much so on our local university, higher education in Singapore such as private university namely SIM, MDIS and PSB have also been doing well. I am proud of my good friend who will be graduating with a first class honours in April 2012 from PSB in Electrical engineering. This is so in line with the education minister speech that mention that there are actually other routes if one is willing to put in the effort.

A sharing with a friend on Thursday 6 October, also allows me to have an insight on the differences in mindset of polys and JC students. Both have their interesting side but I believe that we just need to be responsible on our decisions would it affect us in the future. Last but not least, I believe success is not gain just by luck, but sheer hardwork and determination.

.:: profile ::.


Name: Kennedy
D.O.B: 1/10/1988



+ + Mu Jie
+ + Angeline
+ + Arthur
+ + Jian Jin aka Dustbin (thick skin)
+ + WEI wei
+ + Xuan Ming


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